Hey friends, welcome to my lifestyle blog! My main goal is to show you all how the vegan diet & healthy living has changed my life. But first, lemme tell you a little bit about myself…
My name is Morgan, I’m 26 years old and I’m from Oklahoma City. A few years ago I graduated from Oklahoma State with a degree in Nutrition. I’m extremely passionate about promoting healthy living and sharing my fitness journey with others looking to better their health!
I’ve had type 1 diabetes for almost 13 years, & its a huge part of who I am. I don’t see it as a setback at all, just something that has made me much stronger! It has shown me how to get through tough times and has led me to so many great people and experiences.
Some of my favorite things include animals, binge watching grey’s anatomy, adventuring to new places, creating new recipes, & visiting vegan restaurants!
I’m excited to share my health & fitness journey with you all!